Welcome to the best Transformice glitches and Tricks!

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Weird Inventions

Iv'e been going around Transformice and I found some weird things, here are some pics;


Monday 22 August 2011

Totally, FUNNY

Ive been playing with my friend on Transformice and he kept building super weird things and I do not even know what he wanted to do!!
Here are some pictures;

New Person Hired!

iMax has been hired to help us with this blog! Thanks iMax and hope to enjoy more.!
This is what he looks like:

Well done!

Learn about Shaman.

Hey, I am showing you some tricks to build in easy mode. Here are some pictures of places.

Here's one of them

When you got the cheese use one of these:

To blast it away and run back into the hole!